Union Council Shahpur is situated at a distance of about 27-km in Northeast from main town of Alpuri Shangla. The UC area falls in the moist Temperate Zone thus receiving summer monsoon (July, August) and winter snowfall. Normally the snowfall starts in mid-November and lasts till mid April Occasionally early snowfall is also observed. The climate in summer is moderate and pleasant and average rainfall ranges 1500-2000 mm/year. The slopes in the upper portions are steep and comparatively moderate in the lower portions. Total area is 11296 Acre Its height from sea level is 4400 feet. In the October, 8, 2005 tragedy of the earth quack 30people lost their lives, 1100 became seriously injured, 80 % dwelling houses completely damaged while others were not fit for further use and life risk was involved in it. There are two Mawaziat i-e Mauza Shahpur and Barkana. Area of Mauza Barkana is 4875 Acre and 6420 Acre of the Mauza shahpur.
LANGUAGES:- The majority of the people speaks Pushto language, the Gujars speaks Gujro and there are few families of Kohistani, who speaks Kohistani.
LITERACY RATE: - The literacy rate is 14.4%.
Tribes; - There are three major sections in the UC i.e. Pakhtoon, Miangan/ Saidan and Gujjar. These sections are spread over in different hamlets Kalay, Barkana, Shahpur Jinkikheil, Shahpur Azikhil, Amir Nagar, Naway Kalay, Kooz Hal, Bar Hal, Shalia, Kandaw, Drad, Shonial Sar, Shahpur Khwarh, Karai, Hafiz Abad, Tangwan, Damana, Barkana Jai, Gaji Khwarh, Asharh and Bilanday.
Geographic co-ordinates Let: 30˚ - 8˚ Long: 67˚ - 21˚
Total population 19904 (according to 1998 census Report)
Total village area 11296 Acre
North Boundary with Damori
East boundary with Kood Mang
South boundary with Kooz Kana
West boundary with Lilownai
Population: - According to 1998, census the population of the is as under;-
Village Population Total Household % of affected Household. Area.
Shahpur 19904 2200 80% 11296 Acre
Note; - The annual growth rate in population is 3.3%.
Union Council Shahpur is situated at a distance of about 27-km in Northeast from main town of Alpuri Shangla. The UC area falls in the moist Temperate Zone thus receiving summer monsoon (July, August) and winter snowfall. Normally the snowfall starts in mid-November and lasts till mid April Occasionally early snowfall is also observed. The climate in summer is moderate and pleasant and average rainfall ranges 1500-2000 mm/year. The slopes in the upper portions are steep and comparatively moderate in the lower portions. Total area is 11296 Acre Its height from sea level is 4400 feet. In the October, 8, 2005 tragedy of the earth quack 30people lost their lives, 1100 became seriously injured, 80 % dwelling houses completely damaged while others were not fit for further use and life risk was involved in it. There are two Mawaziat i-e Mauza Shahpur and Barkana. Area of Mauza Barkana is 4875 Acre and 6420 Acre of the Mauza shahpur.
LANGUAGES:- The majority of the people speaks Pushto language, the Gujars speaks Gujro and there are few families of Kohistani, who speaks Kohistani.
LITERACY RATE: - The literacy rate is 14.4%.
Tribes; - There are three major sections in the UC i.e. Pakhtoon, Miangan/ Saidan and Gujjar. These sections are spread over in different hamlets Kalay, Barkana, Shahpur Jinkikheil, Shahpur Azikhil, Amir Nagar, Naway Kalay, Kooz Hal, Bar Hal, Shalia, Kandaw, Drad, Shonial Sar, Shahpur Khwarh, Karai, Hafiz Abad, Tangwan, Damana, Barkana Jai, Gaji Khwarh, Asharh and Bilanday.
Geographic co-ordinates Let: 30˚ - 8˚ Long: 67˚ - 21˚
Total population 19904 (according to 1998 census Report)
Total village area 11296 Acre
North Boundary with Damori
East boundary with Kood Mang
South boundary with Kooz Kana
West boundary with Lilownai
Population: - According to 1998, census the population of the is as under;-
Village Population Total Household % of affected Household. Area.
Shahpur 19904 2200 80% 11296 Acre
Note; - The annual growth rate in population is 3.3%.